Title is a dumb pun that, appropriately, I couldn't resist.
I love this! I feel much better about this whole argument now that I can be on both sides of it. Can you post a link to Godwin's essay? Or did you and I missed it?
I don't have a link directly to the essay, but you can go to the collection (https://www.gutenberg.org/files/743/743-h/743-h.htm) and search for "OF THE LIBERTY OF HUMAN ACTIONS".
I love this! I feel much better about this whole argument now that I can be on both sides of it. Can you post a link to Godwin's essay? Or did you and I missed it?
I don't have a link directly to the essay, but you can go to the collection (https://www.gutenberg.org/files/743/743-h/743-h.htm) and search for "OF THE LIBERTY OF HUMAN ACTIONS".